Thursday, January 29, 2009

Exodus 9- Gods Sovereignty

Hi everyone, I posted an episode to my podcast, Conduit Bible Study- Darren Tyler.

Click this link to check it out:
Exodus 9-

- Darren

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Conduit January 25- The First Week

And so it was that Barack Hussein Obama became the President of the United States of America. (I know tone is hard to infer in writing, so for the record I don’t use his middle name for any sort of agenda. I think the folks who assume he’s Muslim because of his middle name are barking up the wrong tree)

Along with the rest of the country I watched the inauguration with a sense of gratitude that a black man could hold the highest office in the land. I really did feel excited especially for the folks who were around to experience the business end of racism alongside Martin Luther King.

Like a minority of Americans I watched while feeling the tension of wishing it could have been another person who could have filled that historic first. Be that as it may, He is indeed my president and I will pray for him as Paul commanded, and as Peter wrote, I will submit to Him as my government ordained by God. Unlike many right wing republican talk show wind bags, I do wish him success; our country depends on it.

The first week was a flurry of activities including ending the ban on funding for international groups who promote abortion; something I would like to be on the record as stating is damnable. He promised change, and this is definitely different from not funding the intentional murder of babies.

There were other hot button Nancy Pelosiesque pleasing moves like closing Guantanamo and instituting the Army Field Manual as the policy for interrogations. That’s bad news for Jack Bauer. He’s so going to jail.

I do appreciate his desire to work on our image around the world. The great news is that he won’t have to worry about Africa. Bush’s policies on HIV/ Aids, and the overwhelming amount of financial aid he sent there have put us on a very firm footing with the vast majority of our African brothers and sisters. (radical Muslim controlled territories not withstanding)

It’s very telling that of the myriad of problems that greeted President Obama the first morning in office that he picked the Mid East conflict to be one of his first projects. 11 presidents, going back to Truman have all attempted to insert themselves in to the Mid East peace process. Welcome President Obama to that conversation.

As our inauguration week was unfolding, Israel unilaterally declared a cease fire and withdrew their troops from Gaza, Hamas strangely declared victory. Initially it sort of put me in mind of that information minister in Iraq that used be so much fun. You remember the guy? The one that was on TV declaring victory while Bagdad was being taken?

It was at best curious when you consider they were defeated soundly and overwhelmingly by military standards. The curiosity is cured when you consider that Hamas defines victory as remaining in power, not defeating their sworn enemy and if you go by that definition they did win.

There was a sort of far flung hope that through this battle that Hamas power would be weakened and the more centrist Fatah led by Mahmoud Abbas, the lesser of two evils, would be able to reassume control of Gaza. These hopes were dashed as members of Hamas systematically and strategically murdered 35 supporters of Fatah, shot 75 of them in the legs and smashed the hands of dozens more. They sent a message loud and clear that anyone who would dare attempt to remove them from power.

In America we witnessed once again the peaceful transfer or power. In Gaza, Hamas still maintains an iron grip that was gained in a violent takeover of power from their rival party. Hamas has communicated loud and clear their willingness to use extraordinary violence aimed blindly at whomever dares cross them. Israel killed civilians accidentally and with sadness. Hamas does it purposefully and with glee.

I encourage you to pray for our brothers in sisters inside of Gaza tonight who are under this terrorist regime. They are just as much victims as Israel is.
David declares in Psalm 122:6, that we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem. David goes on to say “may those who love you be secure”. It would seem that our best national security would not be to abandon our long time allies Israel, but rather to love them.

President Obama needs to know where you stand. I don’t believe it does any good to do it with anger or malice, but I encourage you to write your legislative officials and the President as well. Let them know what you think of using your tax dollars for abortion. Let them know where you stand on supporting Israel. And then, most importantly, let them know you’re praying for them.

As for tomorrow night, we’re on to Exodus 9. We’re taking the plagues up a notch with some exciting boils and hailstones. It’s reminiscent of Revelation 6-19. Could there be a correlation?

Hope to see you tomorrow night at 7:30 pm at Journey Church in the Factory in Franklin.

Darren find the podcast here.


Those of you who know me, know about my dreams of becoming a televangelist. We couldn’t afford a real TV show so we’re broadcasting live on the web every week at we start at 7:30 central time. Please join us if you can.

DON’T FORGET!!! The Haiti Ball is January 31, AKA this weekend, at 7:30pm at Rocketown in downtown Nashville. Please don’t think of this as just a date night. If you’ve got a date, please bring them, but it’s also a great time to just bring a group of friends and have a great time with free food, prizes and surprise musical guests. All proceeds go to Restoration Ministries in Jacmel Haiti. You get to come, have an amazing time, and in less than a month the cost of your ticket is in the hands of the people who need it in Haiti. Come celebrate hope in Jesus Christ with us. Tickets can be purchased in advance at they are $17 each.

If you haven’t changed your profile picture yet to the Haiti Ball artwork, would you consider doing that? Would you consider donating your status to promoting it? we want to blow this up this year bigger than ever before. I appreciate so much all of you who are already helping and those who are starting now

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Exodus 8- Conduit Podcast

Hi everyone, I posted an episode to my podcast, Conduit Bible Study- Darren Tyler.

Click this link to check it out:
Exodus 8

- Darren

Monday, January 19, 2009

Now What? REPOST

I've seen a lot of stuff flying around the past couple of days regarding our new President. I posted this the morning after the election in November. Thought it might be worth posting again....

1 Peter 2:9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
11Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. 12Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
13Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, 14or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. 16Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. 17Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.
18Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. 19For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. 20But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. 21To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

Some observations for me personally from this…

1. VS9 Specifically refers to you and I as a “nation”. If you’re a believer that has accepted the stone rejected by men (see vs 4-8) you were not just buying a ticket out of hell. I have become part of a nation, a Holy Nation. Our King is not of this world. America is an amazing nation, possibly the greatest nation that has existed to this date, and yet cannot hold a candle to the ultimate Kingdom that Jesus will rule over here on earth in the future. But for now…

2. VS11- We’re aliens. Not Roswell aliens, but foreigners. Through out the scripture God repeatedly has a soft spot for the widow, the orphan and THE ALIEN, (the foreigner) The Old Testament is riddled with that language. Israel spent most of their time as aliens in another land. We have our physical address here but not our residence. God has a soft spot for the alien, for you and me. Does that mean that I can just check out of the process and life? ..

3. VS 13- Submit your selves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men. Peter was writing this at a time when the ruling government was Rome. The human rights abusing, oppressive, highly taxed, profanely sinful and ultimately self-destructive Rome. Peter didn’t caveat his statement with, “I know that they’re crucifying Jews and I don’t support that, but you must submit anyway”. Strangely enough, He just said submit. So should I just be silent and not lift my voice in disagreement?

4. V15 Peter suggests something simple and compelling. He suggests that we won’t silence ignorant talk of foolish men by arguing or debating but by our GOOD WORKS. What if we all were mini Mother Teresas? He does suggest that our lifestyles and abstaining for sin is key, but he says “good works”. Not just what we DON”T do, but what we DO. If we are speaking the truth with our lives and occasionally with our mouths, Peter says that is the way to silence the Bill Mahers of the world. As it stands we’ve not only not silenced them, we’ve given them plenty of extra fuel for their fire. What if the government, the rulers, the leaders turn this nation into a socialist empire that chooses to imprison or attempt to silence or punish us like they did to Peter and the early church?

5. VS18- Peter says to the slaves to submit with all respect. I want to make that applicable for today by saying that He was talking about employees, but He wasn’t. He was NOT condoning the practice of slavery, rather he was telling the slaves how they could actually defeat their captors. Not by violent uprising, but by lovingly submitting. It’s completely backwards. It’s completely the Kingdom. He says what credit is it to me if I’m punished for actually doing something wrong? The loudest voices are not from the pundits or talking heads. The most significant statement comes from our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted, abused and dying as martyrs. I feel terribly for them, I pray for them, and yet God has their back. Peter said that Jesus set this example for us to follow. Should I just stand by and not speak out against an oppressive or socialist government should it exist?

6. VS23- Peter says that Jesus set an example by not retaliating. This is an ultimate act of faith. It is faith because I am trusting that God will in fact have His way. Abraham asked a question. He asked “Shall not the God of all the universe do what is just?” It was rhetorical but the answer, of course, is yes. It is not faith when I try to fix it myself. Faith is me standing tall, head held high knowing that God will ultimately bring His Kingdom and that EVERY knee shall bow, EVERY tongue confess, that He is in fact, Lord. (a spiritual term with vast political implications)

I personally believe that our Nation, (not America) but the Nation of Christ, is positioned better than ever to make an impact on this world. I wonder what would happen if we took these next few days, weeks, months, years and started a non violent revolution of Love. What if that love just isn’t just the tingly sensations, and not just stopping with a bunch of churches in the community for “unity “ nights. What if we go further?

What if it was a love that looked like you and I in the most unlovable of situations with the most unlovable of people serving. What if we do a better job than our government (republican or democrat) of feeding the poor. What if we as the church do a better job of adopting unwanted children who might have otherwise been aborted. What if our churches were side by side filled with people of every nationality, income bracket, and background? What if we stop asking the government to do what God clearly has asked you and I to do personally as believers? What if we silence the talk of foolish men with our good works?

We’ve seen what we can accomplish with our well-crafted arguments and debating skills. I wonder what we could do with our lives.

Darren Tyler

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Conduit January 19/ Moved By Compassion

When Jesus stood in front of a large and growing crowd in Galilee Matthew tells us that he was “moved with Compassion”. (Matthew 14)

I’ve felt compassion. But being moved by it, that’s another thing. I’ve been moved by anger. I’ve been moved by fear, heck I’ve even been moved by joy. Being moved by compassion, that’s something that’s kind of new to me. It seems to be that there is a difference between feeling compassionate and being moved to action because of it. I felt compassion for a long time for the hungry, disenfranchised and poor but I ultimately changed the channel. That was then, this is now.

I swear I’m not making this up, but that phrase “moved by compassion” in the original Greek speaks of wretched bowels. My Greek lexicon states that the bowels were the seat of love and pity in the Jewish culture. It might explain how it was that Joseph’s “bowels did yearn” in talking about weeping for his brother and family. (Genesis 43)

Being moved with compassion in that context would speak of some urgency, purpose and single minded mission. (So for all of you doubter’s who have scoffed at me calling Conduit God’s toilet where we flush our resource’s into the system, might have to apologize to me.)

I guess for our more modern mental palate perhaps it would be better described as a kick in the gut. A feeling that makes you stop and take notice. A feeling that moves you to action.

It’s worth noting that Jesus was moved with compassion when He saw the folks that were in need. As anyone who has stared suffering face to face can attest, seeing it changes everything. I personally have experienced that seeing it in person is more powerful than seeing it in pictures and video. There is something about holding a child in your arms that moves this information from your head to your heart.

Perhaps that’s why Jesus commanded us to “go”. If I’m just sitting at home, I’m not encountering need first hand. The book of Acts is aptly named because it was the actions of the early church as they moved from town to town, state to state, and country to country preaching the gospel and serving the needs of those they encountered.

It’s interesting to me that Jesus served the needs of these 4000 people based solely on His compassion. They didn’t ask Him to feed them. The Disciple’s sure weren’t operating in faith. He did it based on compassion. There are clearly times when Jesus was moved by and impressed by the faith of someone (ie the centurion) but Jesus, in His Grace was moved by compassion and healed the sick and fed the hungry in this crowd.

It honestly seems like the only prerequisite for the folks who were taken care of was that they were hanging out where Jesus was. That’s especially good news for you and I.

It’s my prayer that we might no more be moved by anger at the liberal media, or fear of what rogue states are cooking up for us. Instead might we as The Conduit, as the actual Body of Christ be moved with compassion and Jesus Himself was.

The results speak for themselves. Matthew 15:31 says that the response was that the multitudes “gave glory to God”.

Tomorrow night it’s time for Exodus 8. I love this chapter because it includes the infamous “tomorrow” statement from our man pharaoh. There are frogs everywhere from the ovens to their beds and when Moses asks him when he would like the transaction to go down, pharaoh says, “tomorrow”. He is asking for one more night with the frogs. We shall unpack that and many other things.

Hope to see you there.

remember you can donate online at the Conduit website or mail checks to
256 Seaboard Lane C-103
Franklin, TN 37067
$15 feeds a child in Haiti for a month.


Please mark you calendars for January 31. The Haiti Ball kicks off at 7pm at Rocketown in down town Nashville. It’s a time that we’re gathering together to celebrate the hope we find in Christ. It’s a time to celebrate all the good things God is doing through Conduit in Jacmel Haiti.
In years past we’ve had several hundred people join us and raise several thousands of dollars. All of the proceeds go to Restoration Ministries in Jacmel, Haiti where hundreds of lives are impacted by our actions and like those in Matthew 15, are giving glory to God.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Glad you asked.
1. buy your ticket in advance. You can do so at www.conduitmission .org they are $17
2. Change your Facebook or Myspace profile pic to the jpeg of the poster. You can rip it from the conduit website.
3. Donate your facebook status to promote the ball.
4. Post bulletins on your myspace or post notes on your facebook.
5. Donate your money. If you can’t make it, pray about making a donation anyway.
6. I have the video at posting the video on your facebook or myspace or blog would be a great way to spread the word.
7. Bring your friends. There is a difference between inviting and bringing. Load up your car. It’s not just a date night, so feel free to come stag.
This has always been a great time to get dressed up, enjoy some time with a DJ spinning tunes eating free food and winning prizes all the while knowing it’s for a cause that’s way bigger. This year we have surprise musical guests that will rival anything we’ve done in the past. for more information.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Haiti Ball Video

Please mark your calendars for the Haiti Ball on January 31st at 7pm at Rocketown in Nashville, TN. Since this video was put together, the number raised and given away through Conduit has risen to $68,000. The Haiti Ball is a time where we can celebrate. We can celebrate what we've seen the Lord do through Conduit. We can celebrate the Hope that He has brought to our impoverished friends in Haiti.

You can buy tickets at

Friday, January 9, 2009

Financial Report Is in for 08

I recall hearing a story of an inventor who had been very successful in his life. As he got older he had created many successful household items and had made himself and his family quite a fortune. He was asked in an interview how did he come up with all those ideas? His response was that he wasn’t necessarily any different or more gifted than others. He had ideas just like everyone else. He said that the only difference between him and the others was that he actually did something about it.

Conduit was just that kind of thing. It was just an idea. It was a risky one at best. How on earth could an organization that is not a church but acts like one exist on only 10% of the revenues and give 90% of them away? It was an idea with out a lot of form, and had a lot more questions than answers. 15 months ago Conduit was just an idea born out of a 3,000 mile family trip staring at corn fields and the conduit that provided irrigation to them.

The pipes were cheap, simple, had no moving parts, were easy to replace and yet performed the important duty of moving a resource (water) from a place of plenty to a place in need. (corn fields) From that came one of those ideas that originated in the mind and somehow connected with the heart. Jeremiah 31 says that is the promise of the New Covenant that God would make with us. He would write his will on our hearts AND on our minds. Those ideas, those moments are often called inspiration. Perhaps the source of the inspiration is God breathing, inspiring, and speaking. Perhaps it is Him writing His will on our hearts and minds.

When you think about it Conduit was nothing, and now it’s something. It kind sounds like the way that God creates. He thinks of it, and then just makes it happen.
Sometimes it’s a creation that starts off as a project that takes shape over time. He created an earth that was without form and void and then over a period of time filled in the blanks. I don’t know how theologically sound this statement is but sometimes He creates with a sense of risk. Creating a human who had the ability to choose to love him or just as importantly to not, was somewhat of a risky proposition.

God continues to create even today. The exciting part is that He chooses you and I as the method of creation for many of His projects. Paul used the metaphor of a body to explain one way that God moves in our world. When my head has a good idea, for instance to train for a half marathon; my head counts on my body to implement it’s will. Without a body, my disproportionately large head is just another brain with a lot of good ideas and no ability to do something about it.

When God writes His will on my heart and mind, it’s up to me whether or not I do something about it. Most times it’s sort of a rough idea that isn’t fully formed and is full of risk. It’s something that connects with your heart and your mind and you have this choice to agree with the Lord, and jump into the jet stream of His will for your life, or you can do like I have done so many times: change the channel and see what else is on.

I suspect that like you, I don’t often implement the ideas. I’ve had those ideas to stop and talk to a stranger who seemed like he needed an ear. I’ve had ideas about calling someone who came to my mind out of the blue. I’ve had ideas that I should stop, turn off the computer and look my wife in the eyes. Often times those ideas that originate in my mind and connect with my heart go unheeded.

Conduit was one time I got it right. Here’s the best part, for many of you it’s an idea that you’re getting right as well. God is putting shape to it with ideas in your hearts and minds about Haiti, about Place of Hope, about stopping and writing a check or making a donation. Inspired by nothing more than Gods love putting ideas in mind and your heart you and I have given just over $68,000 in the past 15 months.

I feel it’s important for us to be honest about something. Sometimes Gods ideas don’t work out like we thought. To that end I have a confession to make. Conduit has failed in one specific way. We wanted to give away 90% of our revenues and exist on 10%. We were unable to keep that commitment.

Instead, we were able to give away 96.5% of the revenues and exist on 3.5%! I couldn’t understand how it would work, but it worked above and beyond my expectations. In fact it was more than I could ask or think. Sounds familiar.

If you want to get a look at the numbers specifically, you can go to

Click on the $$ link.
A full detailed report of what money came in and where it was sent exists there.

And when you get done with that, go implement those ideas that God has been putting in you. It’s a brand new year, full of brand new ideas. There are so many problems that need to be solved, so many holes that need to be filled. There is a world that needs to hear about His life giving love. A world that is hungry, naked and alone. In His love and wisdom, God has chosen you and me to do something about it.


PS- don’t forget that just $15 can feed one of our kids in Haiti for a month. That’s not much. Maybe God is giving you an idea to buy lunch for someone. In this case you can buy them lunch for a month.

You can donate online at or you can mail a check to

256 Seaboard Lane C-103
Franklin, TN 37067

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Israel Update From Conduit Bible Study

January 5th at Conduit discussion on Israel and the conflict with Hamas. : Conduit Bible Study- Darren Tyler- - Darren

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Conduit January 5- Israeli/ Hamas Conflict, Take 2

After my post last week, I received a lot of response from folks who condemned Israel for defending herself against Hamas. One of the statements I heard was that they should “exhaust all options” in their negotiations. I heard that Israel was participating in terrorism. I heard the statement “disproportionate force”. These statements, much like my own, are made from the safety provided by the United States and the comfort of a home that is far from the violence that is boiling over in the Middle East.

3 years ago, Hamas won Palestinian legislative election. (It’s no wonder Jesus called us to preach the gospel and not democracy). 18 months later they violently took over Gaza in a military coup. For the past 3 years they have “recognized” that Mahmoud Abbas is the Palestinian Authority President, even though he is from the rival Fatah party. Their recognition went no further than a public statement and Abbas had no authority, thus the reason Israel has been forced to negotiate with Egyptian intermediaries on behalf of Hamas and not Abbas.

Have I lost you yet? Please stay with me.

Abbas has been courted by the Bush administration and recently got to go on a field trip to the United States, as a guest of the Bush Administration. He has been viewed as the only hope of a negotiated peace treaty, even though it was admittedly a long shot. His term is up January 09, but his Fatah Party believes they have grounds to extend his tenure for another year.

Hamas has stated unequivocally that they will not recognize him after January 9, 09. It would formalize the separation that already exists between the two Palestinian entities into a full blown divorce. Abbas threatened to institute a new election, but it’s at best an empty threat. Hamas controls Gaza. They are not relinquishing. There are plenty of moderate Arab countries that want Hamas gone, and to have Fatah in control. There are just as many extremist nations that want Hamas in control.

And so I would pose the question of whom does Israel negotiate with? Abbas has no power over Hamas. This week Hamas has summarily executed 35 in Gaza who are Fatah activists. There were 75 more that were shot in the legs, and an unknown number who got away with simply getting their hands broken. Keep in mind these were Palestinians. They were their own people. A spokesman for Hamas called it a "preemptive" campaign aimed at thwarting Fatah's attempts to "spread anarchy and chaos." (read: assume control if Hamas is removed from leadership)

Israel for their part has not stated regime change as a goal. According to Israeli Spokesman Mark Regev in a CNN interview: “We want to create a situation where the civilian population in southern Israel is no longer on the receiving end of those deadly Hamas rockets. We haven't articulated regime change as the goal of this operation. Our goal is to protect our people,"

The rockets he speaks of are the thousands of bombs that have been fired blindly into southern Israel in the past few years. It is only because of a lack of technology that they haven’t been able to hit more targets and kill more civilians. If they had the technology they most certainly would have implemented it.

So with whom does Israel negotiate with to stop these terrorist attacks?

How about Nizzar Rayyan who was one of the top Hamas leaders who also taught in Palestinian universities? I’ve posted an excerpt from an article onThe Atlantic by Jefrrey Goldberg.

In particular, Rayyan was interested in the hadith, the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, with a special interest in hadith that painted Jews in a negative light. ... This is what he said when I asked him if he could envision a 50-year hudna (or cease-fire) with Israel: 'The only reason to have a hudna is to prepare yourself for the final battle. We don't need 50 years to prepare ourselves for the final battle with Israel.' There is no chance, he said, that true Islam would ever allow a Jewish state to survive in the Muslim Middle East. 'Israel is an impossibility. It is an offense against God.'"
And make no mistake: Rayyan was a man who didn't just preach hatred against Israel, he practiced it, and nothing was dearer to him than a dead Israeli: In 2001, he sent one of his sons to carry out a suicide attack in Gush Katif's Elei Sinai settlement

Israel wouldn’t be able to negotiate with Rayyan anyway because he was killed this week by a guided missile from an Israeli plane. After having an advance warning that his compound, which housed a stock pile of Hamas weapons, would be bombed he refused to evacuate himself nor his 4 wives and 10 children. All were killed.

In a negotiation the two sides come together. Israel's stated goal is to live in peace, Hamas' stated goal is to destroy Israel. Where I'm from, that's called a deal breaker.

There has been an outcry of “disproportionate force” in reference to Israel. The UN, France, countless Arab nations have all used this term along with words like massacre and accusations of terrorism towards Israel. To quote Goldberg “Those who accuse Israel of using "disproportionate force" against Hamas would do well to acknowledge this instead of lending indirect support to people like Rayyan by pretending that somehow - if Israel only tried hard enough and was willing to make enough concessions - such people could be cajoled into "moderation" and peaceful coexistence.”

I’ve made my Biblical case for praying for Jerusalem and her people. I continue to stand by Romans 11 and Paul’s statement that God is not through with the Jewish people. I believe that Gods statement to Abraham that He will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you was not some arbitrary or capricious statement that He has since changed His mind about.

It’s probably not a coincidence that we enter Exodus 7 this week in our travel through the Word. It had been my plan for some time to show you the comparisons between the plagues that were in Egypt and the plagues that are described in Revelation. As our world continues on it’s journey towards what Jesus taught us about in Matthew 24 and 25, it seems to be a perfect time to talk about this.

Also, I’ll have final numbers for 08 as far as money that has come in. I don’t have the final number from our book keeper Pam Ozment, but I’m fairly confident that over $60,000 has gone through the Conduit since our inception 15 months ago. We are sitting with $8400 in the building fund for the Restoration Ministries house in Jacmel Haiti. That house can be a reality this year.

Also, I’ll be sending you information in the coming days and weeks for the Benefit we’re doing January 31 at Rocketown.

See you tomorrow night at 7:30pm. Journey Church in Building 8 at The Factory.
Meanwhile, let the Word be a light to our path: Psalm 122 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure. 7 May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels."
