Sunday, August 24, 2008

Conduit August 25- Brian Mayes Challenge

Thanks to everyone who sent cards, flowers, emails and gifts to my family this past week. I’m not entirely sure what my mom can or cannot see from Heaven, but I asked the Lord to relay the message to her that she was loved. I suppose like all of us, she didn’t realize exactly how much people thought of her.

I know she was proud of me even though she never understood the whole music business component of my life. She had referred to me around town as her son “the minister”. I never got a chance to tell her that I had promoted myself to bishop. She knows that now. ☺

I got an email from my friend Brian Mayes at Nashville Publicity group. He said that instead of sending flowers he was going to send $50 to Conduit to give to our work in Haiti. He asked If I would issue a challenge to others to do the same.

I think that’s a great idea. What better way to honor my mom than by impacting the world around us. We might not be able to stop an aggressive disease like cancer here in America but we can certainly stop a simple thing like hunger by providing food.
If you’re new to the blog or the email list, I launched Conduit a year ago with the express purpose of creating a pipeline for those with resources to those who are in need. We partner specifically with 2 ministries: Place of Hope here in Middle Tennessee and Restoration Ministries in Jacmel Haiti. We have also given to ministries like World Vision and Hands and Feet Project.

I don’t have the exact number in front of me, but we’ve given well over $30,000 in the past year. 95% of the money that comes in goes right back out. We are not a reservoir. We are a river. Just like what Jesus promised when He said that through us would flow “rivers of living water”.

I got an email from Philip Peters last night. He and the team arrived safely in Haiti. He went on to say that everywhere he turned there was something else that Conduit has paid for and provided. Every morning dozens of kids get up in Haiti and eat breakfast on us. They are being clothed and educated. They are being brought up in an atmosphere that teaches them about the love of our God and salvation through Jesus Christ.

In Columbia, TN right now there are dozens of folks whose lives were train wrecked through addiction that are being transformed by the ministry of Place of Hope. We are one of their largest donors and make this redemptive ministry possible. Mothers are reunited with their daughters. Fathers are reunited with their families. Sons and daughters are restored. The prisoners are set free through the power of God. Conduit is a major part of that.

My prayer is that you would accept Brian’s challenge. Maybe not $50 but some amount large or small. Nobody at Conduit gets paid. We all have day jobs. We have a book keeper who handles all the money that comes in and basically cleans out our account every month.

I would love nothing more than to blow away our ministry partners with a large financial gift from all over the nation. Pray about it. No pressure from me. Do this only as the Lord leads. (if you’re giving out of pressure Paul says you shouldn’t) There is a house left to be finished in Haiti. There are lives waiting to be restored at Place of Hope. Pray about it. See if God would have you do something.

You can mail a check payable to Conduit and mailed to

Shannon Tyler
511 Prince of Wales Court
Franklin, TN 37064


For your conveniences you can go to and click on the “donate now” button and donate by credit card.

If we’ve learned anything this month it’s that life is short and it’s full of the unexpected. Maybe you can’t get in the game by going to the field yourself, but you can be a part by being the supply line.

Tomorrow night our good friend Brad Duncan is going to be joining us. He and I are going to tag team the night. We’ll probably skip worship this week. I want to share first hand some of what God has continued to show me this past week and maybe give you some direction for where Conduit is going.

If you don’t remember Brad was the guitar player for Rebecca St James and went on to speak all across the nation on tour with Bands like Kutless as well as at major Christian Music Festivals. Brad and his family took a major leap of faith in launching a church in “Albany Oregon called The Shift. His heart is unlike many you will encounter this side of Heaven. The motto for their church is “The Kind of Church For Those Who Hate Church” Let me just tell you that it is the truth.

OK I’ve given you way too much information for one week. My apologies for the length. See you Monday night at Journey Ecclesia in Building 8 at the Factory. 7:30pm.

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