Monday, January 4, 2010

Conduit Financial Report 2009

For the past 26 months, The Conduit Mission has existed to be a Conduit of God’s love to the world around us. We’ve been a missional organization committed to God's Word and being the supply line to those on the front lines of building the Kingdom around the world. To date, we’ve taken in and given away over $130,000. With those resources we’ve fed and clothed dozens of kids month after month in Haiti, we’ve fed refugees in Africa, built a home for serving the poor in Jacmel Haiti, invested in serving Place of Hope right here in Middle TN. We’ve done all this by working directly with the Churches on the ground already, knowing that God never called the Government to do these things, He called the church.

We were just a nickel and dime organization, made up of a few committed followers of Christ who all worked our full time jobs while simultaneously knowing that Jesus didn’t just save our souls, but is currently transforming our lives. We looked at Matthew 25 and took seriously Jesus command to love the “least of these brothers of mine.”

In 2009 here are some highlights. The detailed account is available upon request in pdf format, and will be on the Conduit Mission website before the end of the week. Here are the highlights.

Child Feeding Program Haiti: $9180.26
Child Sponsorship Program Haiti: $11568.00
Come Alive Ministries- (for Christian University in Ghana, Africa) $2320.56
Missions Haiti: $1198.00
Place of Hope: $3152.89
Restoration Ministries $3364.29
Restoration Building Fund $26,324

That means we had $57,108.89 flow through The Conduit into the hands of those on the front lines.

Enough money was raised to finish the home in Haiti that will allow Restoration Ministries to better serve and expand the feeding program, University age Christians were able to go to a Christian University in Ghana, hundreds of meals were served in the feeding program in Jacmel Haiti, Place of Hope was able to give the hope of Christ to the least of these brothers right here in our own back yard.

We were able to give away well over 90% of the revenues that came into The Conduit Mission for our mission programs.

In the middle of the worst economy in the United States since The Great Depression, God has utilized our little band of warriors to serve him with our finances.

Thank you to each and every one of you who were a part of this year. This is not nor has never been a one man operation. It’s each of us coming together and (as Paul commanded in 2 Cor. 8,9) giving as we were able.

For the next two months, Conduit will be meeting on Saturday nights at 6pm. We’ll rotate out every other Saturday as we build to an official “launch” of Conduit Church. On the in between Saturdays we’ll still meet but in a round table format to discuss, dream, strategize and pray about what God is unfolding in Conduit as a church.

I hope you can join us this Saturday night. 6pm at Journey Church. We will have a time of prayer, teaching, communion, and fellowship together. Kicking it Acts 2:42 style. Jim Henderson has some great stuff planned for the kids, and Corey Peek will be taking the middle/ high school age kids for some ministry focused on them.

Shannon and I are so honored to serve you. Please know we’re thinking about and praying for each of you individually and specifically.

See you Saturday night.

Darren Tyler
Conduit Church

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